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Friday, 25 January 2013

A Day Gone West

Spent the whole day waiting for stuff to happen... which didn't happen. My son slept on the couch all day while I filled in time doing other stuff... while I waited for other people to finish doing their stuff... so we could do stuff together. I waited to give a violin lesson to the 10yr old over the road, at 3:30, then 4:30, then 6pm, then not at all. I thought to myself it would be nice to get paid anyway for all that waiting, and not long after that thought I received a text, "I'll put the money in the letter box for you, we wasted your whole day. They didnt waste my whole day. It took Kris to finish it off..
 I just texted him. He'd invited me to the beach with a group of friends for an evening picnic.

"thanks for inviting me to the beach today. If I hadn't walked to the fruit shop to get stuff to make fruit salad, I wouldn't have found the violin for sale at the 2nd hand shop on the way. It has a good bow and a great old case (2 things I really wanted, the bow I use now is stuck together with sellotape). All 4 way cheap $65. Plus I feel great after eating a huge bowl of fruit salad. I guess you don't like fruit salad, maybe if I'd made nachos you may have picked me up like you said you were going to?? Anyway is nice at home, soo quiet & peaceful".

It's actually just my way of saying "you're a dick" without actually saying it at all. 

I imagine him feeling really screwed up after that text lol. Which is probably just deluded of me but it feels good when someones expecting to be attacked for being a dick, to just confuse them a little bit.
Kris watched his mum die of a heroin overdose when he was 10 years old. Partly because of that I cut him a little slack. I skirt around calling him a dick...I really did want to go to the beach. I can feel the warm balmy breeze, the cool water, I can see the twisted trunks of the pohutukawa trees, hear the waves lapping gently on the shore...

My son woke up awhile ago, did the "you're the reason my life is a mess conversation" . Somehow pulled him into a better place (mostly by feeding him fruit salad and steak).

 And - it really is - nice just chilling at home, on my own, can't remember when I last did this? the first time this year.

 And - the clothesline is full of clean clothes blowing in the wind to remind me that something happened today - a lot of washing got done...

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